
What to do as a Designated Attorney for a Lawyer who has a Sudden Health Crisis

门户网站的这一部分只处理律师遭遇“突发健康危机”的情况,并且没有突发健康危机应急计划. 指定/继承人代理人应按照以下步骤完成继任计划流程. The suddenly disabled lawyer will be referred to as “the Disabled Lawyer.”

该门户的一个单独部分地址 creating a sudden health crisis succession plan. 然而, 即使律师有突发的健康危机紧急情况或继任计划,这些信息也可能会有所帮助,因为它将补充该计划.


许多律师指定了一名接替律师,作为他们在乔治亚州律师协会注册的一部分. 只需致电404-527-8700与律师协会联系,查询某位残疾律师是否指定了继任者. If you are 不 willing or able to handle the duties described herein, 律师协会可能会帮助你找到一名志愿律师作为指定/继承律师.  Whether you are closing the Disabled Lawyer’s practice as a Designated Attorney, 家人的朋友或酒吧志愿者, 您应该联系乔治亚州律师协会的总法律顾问办公室,讨论律师协会在您的情况下是否适合提交任命接管人的请愿书. 尽管律师公会的破产程序比大多数情况下需要的更为正式和繁琐, 它确实为在某些情况下可能需要的指定律师提供支持和保护.


If the Disabled Lawyer does 不 have an sudden health crisis succession plan, 你应该马上复习一下 在此找到清单. 此信息的目的是补充清单,并为执行清单上列出的项目提供上下文.


看完清单后,你应该为残疾律师制定一个行动计划. In doing so, you should keep several different groups of people in mind. The first group is composed of the Disabled Lawyer’s clients. The second group is composed of the Disabled Lawyer’s family and estate. The third group is 残疾律师的工作人员. 


With regard to the Disabled Lawyer’s clients, 法律规定了律师对其委托人负有维护其利益的具体义务. 当考虑到残疾律师遭受的突发健康危机时,你必须履行残疾律师对他或她的客户的职责. 

  • 残疾人律师对他或她的客户负有的首要和最重要的责任是立即检查即将到来的最后期限和即将到来的法庭听证会,这些案件或其他事项由残疾人律师处理. Hopefully, the Disabled Lawyer maintained a list of active 情况下/matters/clients. 首先应该参考这个列表. If the Disabled Lawyer used practice management software, this information generally can be readily obtained from the practice management software. 然而, 如果残疾律师没有使用执业管理软件,也没有其他案件/事项/客户列表, the two next best sources of information on deadlines and upcoming court hearings, 除了律师本人, 会是残疾律师的工作人员吗, 如果有任何, 以及残疾律师的日程表. 
  • 另一个很好的和实用的信息来源,关于潜在的迫在眉睫的最后期限和即将到来的法庭听证会的残疾律师将是案件档案在残疾律师的办公室, recently opened files on the Disabled Lawyer’s computer, and even materials sitting on the Disabled Lawyer’s desk. 除了, be sure to check the Disabled Lawyer’s incoming emails, outgoing (or “sent”) emails as well as “snail” mail (through the U.S. 邮政服务)可能是最近到达的,但尚未处理或可能在不久的将来到达. 还要记得检查电话答录机, 语音邮件,甚至是手写的便利贴,这些便利贴可能贴在残疾律师的电脑里或周围, 或者纸质日历,如果有的话. 
  • In dealing with looming deadlines and court hearings, the most immediate deadlines and hearings should be dealt with first, and you should seek an extension of the deadline or the hearing date. 大多数律师在得知对方律师突然遭遇健康危机时,都愿意同意在即将到来的听证会或最后期限前继续进行诉讼. 给案件另一方的律师发一封电子邮件或打电话就足以达到这个目的. If the opposing lawyer is unavailable or unwilling to grant an extension of time, then reach out to the judge before whom the case or matter is pending, being careful to 不ify the other side as required by the rules barring 片面的 与法院的沟通. 
  • You should confirm extensions of time in writing. Typically, an email sent to opposing counsel and/or the court will suffice in this regard.
  • Deadlines that are farther out than one week, 但不到一个月, 应该组合在一起, as well as deadlines that are more than one month but less than six months in the future. 
  • Examples of client-related deadlines that are very important are (1) court dates, hearings and trials; (2) 法规 of limitations; and (3) deadlines for responses to lawsuits or discovery requests in pending 情况下, as well as other items in the litigation and non-litigation context. 残疾人律师的工作人员和日历笔记应该会帮助你确定最后期限是什么,哪些是最重要的. 
  • While it may be possible to “fix” or repair some missed deadlines after the fact, 一定的期限, 比如诉讼时效, generally can不 be extended and can不 be “fixed” after the fact. 如果错过了最后期限, then the client’s rights may be irrevocably harmed or even extinguished. 人身伤害案件的诉讼时效(通常为两年)只是这样一个艰难的最后期限的例子,错过它可能会影响或终止客户的索赔. 这一事实强调了必须迅速行动,确定最后期限,并尽快将客户文件移交给新律师.
  • 作为争取延长最后期限和推迟听证(如有可能)进程的一部分, 你应该通知所有残疾人律师执业的法院(包括上诉法院和联邦法院)以及对方律师, 律师的残疾. 律师 may suffer from the reputation of being difficult and uncooperative, 但当他们得知对方律师突然遭遇健康危机时,他们中的绝大多数都会合作,几乎所有的法官都会这样做. A proposed letter to courts and judges can be found here. (请记住,任何与法庭的通信,如果残疾律师有未决案件,必须抄送对方律师.)


下一个任务是通知客户残疾律师的残疾情况,并安排将客户档案退还给客户自己或客户可能选择的新律师. A sample 不ification letter can be found here.

  • 在通知客户残疾律师发生的事情时,必须非常小心. 在大多数情况下, 客户来到残疾律师帮助客户解决困难和压力的情况. The client often views the Disabled Lawyer as his or her lifeline, and if the Disabled Lawyer suffers a sudden health crisis, 客户会感到被抛弃和漂泊.
  • 给客户的通知要尽快发出,尽可能让客户安心. 你给客户的信函样本应该强调,客户可以自由地使用指定继承人律师或任何其他律师,将文件移交给客户选择的任何人. Your sample letter to clients should also make it clear that the client does 在能够检索文件之前,需要向残疾律师支付任何未付账单.


你可以帮助残疾人律师事务所的另一个至关重要的功能是收集欠残疾人律师的钱, 以及退还残疾律师在其死亡或丧失工作能力时可能已支付但尚未赚取的任何款项. 相关的问题是确保残疾律师的账单及时发出所有已提供的服务, but 不 yet been billed by the Disabled Lawyer before his or her health crisis. 这也是为什么在残疾律师的健康危机开始之后,让残疾律师的员工开心地工作几个星期(至少)是非常重要的另一个原因. 

  • 在残疾律师突然出现健康危机后,迅速向现有客户发送账单, but no more than 30 days after the onset of the health crisis. 律师们普遍认识到,从提供服务到客户要求支付这些服务费用之间的时间越长, the less likely the client is to pay the bills and 不 dispute or ignore them.
  • In matters that the Disabled Lawyer was handling on retainer or with a flat fee, 委托人有权要求退还在律师出现健康危机之前未完成的工作. 应咨询残疾律师的工作人员和/或新律师,以确定是否需要向客户退还任何此类资金, passed on to the new lawyer or kept by the Disabled Lawyer’s firm.
  • 处理突发事件的个案, 残疾律师的工作人员, any new lawyer and perhaps others should be consulted to determine what amount, 如果有任何, 残疾人律师事务所应当从尚未解决的案件中收取任何应急费用.


With regard to the Disabled Lawyer’s family and estate, if the Disabled Lawyer has died or become unable to manage his or her affairs, you should consider contacting a probate lawyer. 遗嘱认证律师可以帮助你采取措施,从商业角度关闭残疾律师的做法,甚至可能开始出售实践的过程, 如果可能的话. 残疾律师的实践将可能被视为残疾律师遗嘱认证遗产的资产. 

  • 如果残疾律师有遗嘱的话, you will need to contact the executor named in the Disabled Lawyer’s will. 如果残疾律师没有遗嘱, 你需要联系最有可能成为残疾律师遗产管理人的人. 如果残疾律师已婚,遗产管理人很可能是他或她的配偶. 如果律师没有结婚, it's likely to be a不her close relative such as a child, 兄弟姐妹或亲密的朋友. 
  • 如果你是残疾律师遗嘱中指定的作为残疾律师遗产执行人的人, 或者如果你是最有可能担任残疾律师遗产管理人的人,如果他或她没有遗嘱, 最好的建议是立即在残疾律师去世时所在的县找到并聘请一位优秀的遗嘱认证律师. 遗嘱认证律师将帮助您处理与残疾律师律师事务所有关的许多事情,以及与残疾律师遗产有关的其他问题, 包括其他资产及债务. A further discussion is outside the scope of this guide.
  • A probate lawyer may be necessary in the event that the Disabled Lawyer has passed away, 但遗嘱认证律师也可以帮助你代表残疾律师获得监护权或监护权,或两者兼而有之,使你能够代表他或她行事. 除了, if the Disabled Lawyer had a financial power of attorney, 残疾人律师为残疾人的,办理其财务事宜,应当咨询残疾人律师.


关于残疾律师的工作人员, 接下来要处理的最重要的问题之一是支付残疾律师的账单. 这包括支付员工工资. Care must be taken in handling the staff in a situation like this. 不管员工有多忠诚, 一旦他们确定残疾律师可能在很长一段时间内不会回来工作, 或者根本没有, the natural inclination is for the staff to begin looking for other employment. Some may 不 even show up for work without giving 不ice. 这就是为什么向员工保证他们将在一段时间内继续获得报酬,以便将残疾律师的业务充分过渡到另一名律师或律师,这一点至关重要. 视经济情况而定, 应保证知识最渊博的工作人员至少有三个月的工资,以确保他或她能够随时回答有关未决案件状况的所有必要问题,并帮助他们将客户的档案移交给新律师. 除了, 按揭/租金和水电费以及律师订阅的其他服务,如案件管理软件,必须继续支付,直到残疾律师的业务可以关闭. 


总结, 您代表残疾律师的义务是维护残疾律师客户的索赔或辩护. 这是通过保护残疾律师的客户不错过任何即将到来的最后期限,并努力将残疾律师的客户文件尽快移交给客户或新律师来实现的. 除了, 你需要迅速收回欠残疾律师事务所的所有款项,并退还或转移给新律师代表现有客户存放在残疾律师托管账户中的任何其他资金.

最后, 协助你进行这些活动, 你需要打消办公室员工的疑虑, 尤其是对公司运作和客户最了解的一两个人, 在残疾律师突然出现健康危机后,他们会得到一段合理的时间补偿,以帮助你过渡.

(Return to Sudden Health Crisis Succession Plan page)